Algeria-UK Investment Forum

On May 22nd, Algiers welcomed DMA’s Algeria-UK Investment Forum 2016, the highest-profile event in Algeria, to date, to focus on economic relations with the United Kingdom, attracting over 700 high-level representatives of which 190 British Companies.

Led by HE Minister Abdessalem Bouchouareb, the Forum aimed to build on the success of the highly acclaimed UK-Algeria Trade & Investment Forum - hosted by DMA in December 2014 - and discussed opportunities for deepening and broadening the economic partnership between the UK and Algeria in priority sectors, including Financial Services, Energy, Hydrocarbons, Healthcare, Oil & Gas, ICT and Retail & Commerce. 

Through plenary and more targeted sessions, the event focused on opportunities under the new US$ 47 billion five year development plan 2015-2019 recently approved by the Algerian Government to boost public investment in key economic sectors such as transport and logistics and to improve economic performance, modernise infrastructure and build partnerships for a long term diversified and sustainable economy.

DMA was delighted to organise the Forum on behalf of the Government of Algeria, in partnership with UKTI and the FCO and the support of the Middle Eastern Association, Algerian British Business Council, Forum de Chefs d’Entreprises and UK-Algeria Business Council.

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.


0800-0900: Registration & Refreshments

0900-1030: Opening Plenary Session:

Welcome Addresses
•    HE Abdessalem Bouchouareb, Minister of Industry and Mines
•    HMA Andrew Noble, British Ambassador to Algeria
•    Rt Hon Greg Hands MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, UK Government

High-Level Panel Discussion
Chair: The Lord Risby, Prime Ministerial Trade Envoy to Algeria
•    HE Abdessalem Bouchouareb, Minister of Industry and Mines
•    Ali Haddad, President, Forum des Chefs d'Entreprises (FCE)
•    Mohamed Laid Benamour, President, Algeria Chamber of Commerce & Industry
•    Ayman Asfari, Chief Executive, Petrofac and UKTI Business Ambassador

1030-1100: Refreshments Break

1100-1230: Government Investment Priorities and Economic Overview
Chair: Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    HE Abderrahmane Benkhalfa, Minister of Finance
•    Abdelkrim Mansouri, National Agency of Investment Development (ANDI)
•    Yassine Bouhara, Founding Partner, Tell Group
•    Dimitri Papaefstratiou, Partner, DLA Piper
•    Arezki Djadour, Of Counsel, BL&A
•    Didier Lartigue, Director General,Clarke Energy
Q&A Session

1230-1330: Networking Lunch

1330-1500: Breakout Sessions

Financial Sector Development
Moderator: Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    HE Hadji, Baba Ami, Minister Delegate of Budget, Ministry of Finance
Q&A Session

Healthcare. Sponsored by GSK. 
Moderator: Zak Osmani, President, UKABC
•    Mr. Rezgui, Secretary General, Ministry for Health, Population and Hospital Reform. 
•    Radia Chmanti Houari, Vice President & General Manager, GlaxoSmithKline North Africa
Q&A Session

Renewable Energy. Sponsored by Renewable Energy Partner. 
Moderator: Chris Frean, Director, UKTI
•    HE Salah Khebri, Minister of Energy. 
•    Representative, Sonelgaz
•    Adel Baba-Aissa, Director, Renewable Energy Partner
Q&A Session 

1530-1700: Breakout Sessions 1500-1530: Refreshments Break

Oil and Gas. 
Moderator: Khaled Mamour, UK Representative, FCE
•    Sid Ali Betata, President, ALNAFT
•    Representative, Sonatrach
Q&A Session

Moderator: Lady Olga Maitland, Chair, ABBC
•    HE I.Houda Feroun, Minister of Post, Information Technology & Communication
Q&A Session

Retail & Commerce
Moderator: Peter Meyer, Chair, MEA
•    HE Bakhti Belaib, Minister of Trade
•    Mr. Azem, Secretary General for Ministry of Housing, Population and City
Q&A Session

1700-1730: Closing Plenary Session

1730-1830: Gala Networking Reception Sponsored by Algérie Advice Consulting
•    Rt Hon Greg Hands MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, UK Government
•    HE Abdessalem Bouchouareb, Minister of Industry and Mines

Photo credit: Apulée Madaure