Constraints in the UK to Ghana Remittances Market - DfID, London, 23rd March 2011

Workshop to discuss the report: Constraints in the UK to Ghana Remittances Market

23rd March 2011, DfID – 1 Palace Street, 15.00 – 17.30pm

14.45 – 15.00

15.00 – 16.15
Session 1
• Opening and Welcome – Sally Taylor, Head, DfID Ghana
• Summary of Results and Recommendations – Leon Isaacs, DMA
• Perspective from the Diaspora – Courage Abodakpi-Cassar
• Perspective from Industry – Dominic Thorncroft, UKMTA

16.15 – 17.20
Session 2 – break-out session with refreshments
4 Disscussion Groups:
• Financial Literacy
• Product Development
• Regulatory – UK
• Regulatory – Ghana
Presentation of key recommendations from each break-out group

17.20 – 17.30
Closing Remarks – Claire Innes, Private Sector Development
Advisor, Financial Services Team, DfID

17.30 – 18.30
Networking Reception