Kenya-UK Trade & Investment Forum

On 15th September, DMA in collaboration with The Kenya High Commission in London, had the pleasure of hosting the Kenya-UK Trade & Investment Forum 2016. Focused on strengthening trade and economic relations between Kenya and the United Kingdom, the Forum was led by Amb.(Dr.) Amina Mohamed, the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Kenya, and a strong Government delegation composed of Cabinet Secretaries, Principle Secretaries, key parastatals and Heads of private sector bodies to showcase the many investment opportunities that Kenya offers to the UK and international investors. And as East Africa's largest economy – contributing close to 50% of the region's GDP – with a strategic geographical location, Kenya represents one of the world's most favourable destinations for foreign direct investment. 

Through plenary and more targeted sessions, the Kenya-UK Trade & Investment Forum 2016 focused on investment opportunities under Kenya’s Vision 2030 - the national development plan, which aims at enhancing public investment in key economic sectors such as agriculture, energy, information communication technology, manufacturing, and improving economic performance, modernising infrastructure and building partnerships for a long term sustainable economy. The Forum therefore profiled the major business sectors of the Kenyan economy – energy & petroleum, infrastructure & ICT, manufacturing & agriculture – providing a unique opportunity for delegates to engage with Cabinet Secretaries and Senior Government Officials from Kenya.  

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.

0800-0915: Registration & Refreshments

0915-0930: Welcome and Opening Addresses
•  Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•  HE Lazarus Amayo, Kenyan High Commissioner to the UK
•  John Murton, British Deputy High Commissioner to Kenya

0930-1000: Keynote Address
•  Hon Tobias Ellwood MP, UK Minister for the Middle East & Africa
•  Amb Dr Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary of Foreign Affairs

1000-1120: Session 1 - Economic Outlook & Overview
Chair: John Small, Chief Executive, Eastern Africa Association
•  Dr Patrick Njoroge, Governor, Central Bank of Kenya
•  Lydia Ojiambo, Deputy Director, Economics & Commercial Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•  Kiprono Kittony, Chairman, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry
•  Andrew Jackson, Partner & Head of Advisory and Markets, East Africa, KPMG
•  Alastair Wilson, Managing Director, Global Sovereign Risk, Moody's Investor Services
Q&A Session

1120-1140: Refreshments Break

1140-1300: Session 2 - Investing in Energy & Extractives
Chair: The Rt Hon Lord Hain, Former British Cabinet Minister & MP
•  Andrew Kamau, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
•  John Musale, Acting Finance & Planning Manager, LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority
•  John Murton, British Deputy High Commissioner to Kenya
•  Sam Hoexter, Regional Head Sub-Saharan Africa, UK Export Finance
•  Neil Sandy, Chief Executive, Truestone Impact Investment Management
Q&A Session

1300-1400: Networking Lunch

1400-1530: Session 3 - Investing in Key Sectors
Chair: Sir Henry Bellingham MP, Former Minister for Africa
•  Sammy Itemere, Principal Secretary, Ministry of ICT
•  Ben Roberts, Chief Executive, Liquid Telecom Kenya
•  Natalie Maule, Managing Director UK & International, AfricaPractice
Q&A Session

1530-1540: A word from our partners
•  James Ghaffari, Kenya Senior Manager, Invest in Africa
•  Agnes Gitau, Partner, GBS Africa

1540-1600: Closing Remarks
•  Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•  HE Lazarus Amayo, Kenyan High Commissioner to the UK
•  Amb Dr Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary of Foreign Affairs

1600-1730: Gala Drinks Reception