Singapore - Albania Trade & Investment Forum

On 18th January 2017 in Singapore, a senior government delegation led by HE Prime Minister Edi Rama, attended the Singapore - Albania Trade & Investment Forum to showcase the many investment opportunities that Albania offers the international investors of Singapore. 

Albania has become one of the most attractive investment destinations in south-east Europe with the Government of the Republic of Albania offering tax benefits and incentives to businesses in key sectors and actively encouraging foreign direct investment with a supportive legislative framework, no restrictions on foreign ownership and no restrictions on profit and capital repatriation. Geographically, it sits at a nexus of several European trade corridors and there is huge potential in the infrastructure being developed to service these.

This event profiled Albania's economy - namely Infrastructure, Energy, Financial Services and ICT – providing a unique opportunity for delegates to engage directly with ministers and senior government officials.

DMA was privileged to host the Government of the Albania for the first Albania - Hong Kong Trade & Investment Forum in 2015 and looks forward to future partnerships.

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the forum and helped make it such a success.



0830 - 0930     Registration and Refreshments

0930 - 0935     Introduction
•    Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA

0935 - 0940     Welcoming Address
•    Ho Meng Kit, CEO, Singapore Business Federation

0940 - 1000     Keynote Address
•    HE Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania

1000 - 1100     Session 1 - The Albanian Economy in Transition: What you need to know
Chair: Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    Hon Milva Ekonomi, Minister of Economy Development, Tourism and Entrepreneurship
•    Gent Sejko, Governor, Central Bank of Albania
•    Genti Beqiri, CEO, AIDA (Albania Investment Development Agency)
•    Christian Canacaris, CEO, Raiffeisen Bank

1100 - 1210     Session 2 - Singapore and Albania: New Opportunities for Collaboration
Chair: Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    Hon Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Energy and Industry
•    Elisabeth Gjoni, General Director, Amadeus Palace
•    Grigor Joti, CEO & Owner, Infosoft
•    Klodjan Allajbeu, CEO, American Hospital Group Albania
•    Joachim Reinhardt, Regional Exploration HCM Manager, Shell  
Q & A session

1210 - 1215     Closing Remarks
•    Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA

1215 - 1330     Networking Lunch

1330 - 1500     Private Meetings