UK-Angola Trade & Investment Forum

On 28th March 2017 in London, a senior delegation from the government of Angola attended the Forum co-organised with the UK-Angola Chamber of Commerce, to showcase the many investment opportunities that Angola offers UK and international investors.  

Since the end of the civil war in 2002, Angola has transformed itself into one of the world’s fastest-growing economy enjoying some of the highest-ranking GDP growth rates in the world – the Economist reported an annual average GDP growth of 11.1 percent from 2001 to 2010. Known worldwide for its prestigious oil wealth, Angola has vast potential in areas such as the extractives industries and a wealth of natural resources. And with its commitment to attracting quality international investment into the country, Angola represents one of the world's most favourable destinations for UK and international business leaders. 

This invitation-only event profiled the major business sectors of the Angolan economy - Energy, Mines and Renewables, Infrastructure – providing a unique opportunity for delegates to engage directly with ministers and senior officials from both the UK and Angolan Governments.

DMA was privileged to host the Government of the Angola for the first UK-Angola Trade & Investment Forum in 2012 and we look forward to a trade mission to Luanda in the later half of 2017.

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the forum and helped make it such a success, including our platinum sponsor BP.



0800-0900: Registration & Refreshments

0900-0920: Welcome
•    Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    HMA John Dennis, British Ambassador to Angola
•    HE Miguel Gaspar Fernandes Neto, Angolan Ambassador to the UK
•    Bráulio de Brito, Executive Director, UK Angola Chamber of Commerce

0920-0940: Keynote Address
•    Baroness Northover, Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Angola
•    Hon Tobias Ellwood MP, UK Minister for Africa & the Middle East

0940-1100: Session 1 – Economic Overview
Chair: Sir Henry Bellingham MP, Former Minister for Africa
•    HE Antonio Luvualu de Carvalho, Itinerant Ambassador to Angola
•    Dr Norberto Garcia, Director, Technical Unit for Private Investment
•    Dr Elmer Serrao, Executive Board Member, Capital Markets Commission
•    Cymron Bancil, Asset Management - Mutual Funds & Alternatives, Odell Global Investors
Q&A Session
1100-1130: Refreshments Break

1130-1300: Session 2 – Investing in Natural Resources
Chair: Rt Hon The Lord Hain, Former British Cabinet Member & MP
•    Hon Dr Francisco Manuel Queiros, Minister of Geology & Mines
•    Dr Canga Xiaquivuila, Director, Ministry of Geology & Mines
•    Helder Silva, Acting Regional President, BP
•    Miles Kennedy, Chairman, Lucapa Diamond Company
Q&A Session

1300-1430: Networking Lunch

1430-1615: Session 3 –  Investing in Key Sectors
Chair: Lord Cameron of Dillington, Co-chair, APPG on Agriculture 
•    Eng. Antonio Flor, Secretary of State, Ministry of Construction
•    Dr Manuel da Costa Neto, Chief Executive, Banco de Desenvolvimento de Angola
•    Ricardo Pinho, Business Development, Mitrelli
•   Carlos Duarte, President of the Executive Board, Nossa Seguros 
Q&A Session

1615-1630: Closing Remarks
•    Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    Bráulio de Brito, Executive Director, UK Angola Chamber of Commerce

1630-1800: Gala Drinks Reception - Sponsored by INTL FCStone