UK-Côte d’Ivoire Trade & Investment Forum 2017

On 15th September 2017, DMA was delighted to welcome HE Amadou Gon Coulibaly, Prime Minister of the Republic of Ivory Coast and a delegation of senior cabinet ministers to London for the second UK-Côte d’Ivoire Trade & Investment Forum. The event showcased the many investment opportunities that Côte d’Ivoire can offer international investors and profiled the Ivoirian economy, providing a unique opportunity for delegates to engage with ministers and senior government officials.

DMA would like to extend our sincere thanks to our sponsors BACB, Shell, Tullow Oil, DekelOil, Godiva, Perseus Mining, De La Rue, G4S and Phanar Legal for their support in making this event possible. 


0845-0945: Registration & Refreshments

0945-1010: Welcome
•    Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    HMA Josephine Gauld, British Ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire
•    HE Georges Aboua, Ivoirian Ambassador to the UK

0945-1010: Video Presentation - Cote d'Ivoire, Land of Opportunities 

Traditional group photograph

1020-1040: Keynote Address
•    HE Amadou Gon Coulibaly, Prime Minister of the Republic of Ivory Coast
•    Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP

1040-1145: Session 1 –Setting the Scene - Investing in Cote d'Ivoire
Chair: Amb. Bisa Williams, Former US Under-Secretary of State for Africa 
•    Hon Abou Dramane Cisse, Former Minister of Budget
•    Emmanuel Essis Esmel, General Manager, CEPICI
•    Noumory Sidibe, President, CNP - PPP
•    Sam Hoexter, Regional Head (Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America & India), UK Export Finance (UKEF)
Q&A Session
1145-1215: Refreshments Break

1215-1330: Session 2 – Investing in Energy & Extractives
Chair: Roger Martin, Director of Africa, DMA
•    Hon Jean Claude Brou, Minister of Industry and Mines
•    Hon Thierry Tanoh, Minister of Petroleum, Energy and Renewable Energy Development
•    Ann Collins, General Manager Europe / Africa / Latin America & BG Portfolio, Shell LNG Marketing & Trading
•   Jeff Quartermaine, Managing Director & CEO, Perseus Mining 
Q&A Session

1330-1430: Networking Lunch

1430-1545: Session 3 –  Investing in Other Key Sectors: Agriculture & Manufacturing
Chair: Emmanuel Okey, Chief Executive, TEK Consulting
•    Hon Jean Claude Brou, Minister of Industry and Mines
•    Philip Rogers, Partner, Phanar Legal
Q&A Session

1545-1615: Closing Remarks
•    Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
•    Hon Jean-Claude Brou, Minister of Industry and Mines

1615-1800: Gala Drinks Reception - Sponsored by BACB