UK-Ethiopia Trade & Investment Forum

On 21st October, the Government of Ethiopia came to London for the UK-Ethiopia Trade & Investment Forum. Organised by DMA together with the Ethiopian Embassy and WAFA, and led by Hon Dr Tedros Adhanom, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Forum was the country’s highest profile investment outreach on the international stage, to date.

In recent years, Ethiopia has adopted a more market-oriented growth strategy, which has seen the economy open up. The country is now one of the fastest-growing in Africa with foreign, private sector participation and investment now encouraged in many areas of the economy hitherto reserved exclusively for government. 

For potential investors, this Forum was a unique opportunity to engage directly with the government and senior decision-makers of one of the most topical investment destinations in the world.

DMA would like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.


0830-0930: Registration & Refreshments

0930-0950:  Welcome Addresses
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• HMA Greg Dorey, British Ambassador to Ethiopia
• HE Berhanu Kebede, Ambassador of Ethiopia to the United Kingdom
• Solomon Afework, President, Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Association

0950- 1015: Keynote Addresses
• Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Minister of State, Department for International Development 
• Hon Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Minister of Foreign Affairs

1015-1115: Session 1 – Economic Outlook
Chair: HMA Greg Dorey, British Ambassador to Ethiopia
• Yohanese Ayalew, Vice Governor, National Bank of Ethiopia
• Elias Loiah, Senior Advisor to the Governor, National Bank of Ethiopia
• Zemedeneh Negatu, Government Advisor for Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia
• John Small, Chief Executive, The Eastern Africa Association
• Andrew Sentance, Senior Economic Advisor, PwC
Q&A Session

1115-1145: Refreshments Break - Sponsored by Clarke Energy

1145-1300: Session 2 – Investing in Infrastructure & Energy
Chair: The Lord Sheikh
• Azeb Asnake, Chief Executive, Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
• Daniel Gizaw, Government Advisor on Energy
• George Percy, Managing Director, Cluff Geothermal
Q&A Session

1300-1400: Networking Lunch 

1400-1500: Session 3 – Investing in Extractives
Chair: Rt Hon Peter Hain, Former British Cabinet Minister and MP
• Hirut Zemene, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Patrick Bird, Executive Vice President Exploration, NewAge (African Global Energy) Ltd
• Brad Mills, Executive Director, Circum Minerals
• Harry Anagnostaras-Adams, Executive Chairman, KEFI Minerals

Q&A Session

1500-1530: Spotlight on Tourism
• Solomon Tadesse, Chief Executive, Ethiopian Tourism Organisation
Q&A Session

1530-1600: Refreshments Break

1600-1715: Session 4 – Investing in Manufacturing & Agriculture
Chair: Richard Dowden, Director, Royal African Society
• Negus Kebede, Director, Business Promotion, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Mirafe Marcos, Senior Director, Agricultural Transformation Agency
• Reg Hankey, Chief Executive, Pittards
• Saad Aouad, Founding Partner & Chief Investment Officer, 54 Capital Ltd
Q&A Session

1715-1720: The Role of Diaspora
• Dr Girma Ejere, Board Member, Ethiopian Disapora Services

1720-1730: Closing Remarks
• Hon Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Minister of Foreign Affairs

1730-1830: Gala Networking Reception - Sponsored by Intl FC Stone