UK-Ethiopia Trade & Investment Forum 2018

On 16th October, 2018, 250 delegates convened at Lord's Cricket Ground for a forum built around HE Dr Arkebe Oqubay, Special Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, who was able to provide his experience, expertise and invaluable insight into Ethiopia's economy and several of its key sectors. The day was opened by Harriett Baldwin MP in her role as Minister of State for Africa, HE Dr Afework, Ambassador to the UK and Laurence Robertson MP, Chair of the UK APPG on Ethiopia.

Participants then got to hear from HE Dr Arkebe Oqubay in his keynote; "Ethiopia -  A Preferred Investment Destination in Africa" that addressed the key economic indicators that tout Ethiopia as such a productive place to invest and do business. Jeremy Lefroy MP, the UK's Trade Envoy to the country then spoke about the existing and growing economic ties between the two countries and how positive he and the UK Government are about the future relationship between the two countries.

Subsequent session covered ICT, Healthcare, Mining & Energy and provide insight into each of those sectors. The day ended with a networking lunch and B2B and G2B meetings between the Ethiopian delegation and UK counterparts.

We would like to thank our spsonrs, without whom the event could not have taken place:

54 Capital, De La Rue, Pittards, Kefi Minerals and Ethiopian Airlines



0800-0900: Registration and Refreshments

0900-0920: Opening Remarks

Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
Harriett Baldwin MP, Minister of State for Africa, UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
HE Dr Hailemichael Aberra Afework, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the UK
Laurence Robertson MP, Chair, UK APPG Ethiopia and Djibouti

0920-1000: Welcoming Address

HE Dr Arkebe Oqubay, Special Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister

1000-1015: Spotlight on Bilateral Trade

Jeremy Lefroy MP, Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Ethiopia

1015-1100: Session 1: Economic Overview
Chair: The Lord Sheikh

HE Dr Arkebe Oquba, Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister
Saad Aouad, CIO & Founder, 54 Capital
Reg Hankey, CEO, Pittards

1100-1130: Refreshments Break

1130-1215:  Spotlight Session
Chair: Agnes Gitau, Partner, GBSAfrica

​Financing ICT
Alysia Silberg, General Partner, Street Global Venture Capital

Investing in Healthcare
Dawit Hailu, Managing DIrector, Wudassie Diagnostic Centre

1215-1300: Session 2: Mining and Energy
Chair: Simon Tonge, Executive Director, DMA

HE Dr Arkebe Oqubay, Special Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister
Harry Anagnostaras-Adams, Managing Director, Kefi Minerals
Darrel Boyd, CEO, Tulu Moye Geothermal

1300-1315: Closing Remarks

H.E Dr Arkebe Oqubay, Special Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister

1315-1430: Networking Lunch

1430-1700: B2B Agenda