UK-Guinea Trade & Investment Forum

On 24th February, DMA was delighted to welcome the Government of Guinea to London, for the UK-Guinea Trade & Investment Forum: Guinea's most significant investment outreach on the international stage to date since the Presidential elections in 2015 . Organised by DMA in partnership with APIP, and led by Hon Mamady Youla, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea; the Forum outlined the opportunities that exist in Guinea, to over 300 high level delegates from the international business community.

Due to its geographical diversity and mineral endowment, Guinea is one of the most important prospects for long-term growth in Africa. The UK-Guinea Trade & Investment Forum was an important part of the country’s post-Ebola economic recovery plan, where the Prime Minister presented his government’s agenda to restore and strengthen private sector growth and encourage quality new inward investment. 

Morevoer, the Forum provided a unique opportunity for investors to engage with ministers and senior government officials, and to understand the reforms and enabling environment that the government is creating to allow for sustainable business growth, facilitate economic diversification and demonstrate that the country is truly ‘open for business’.  

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success including  UN, ECOWAS, Mano-River Union, FCO and UKTI. 



0800-0900: Registration & Refreshments

0900-0920: Welcome
• Dr Saran Kaba, Security General, Mano River Union
• Dr David Nabarro, Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Ebola, UN

0920-0930: Opening Remarks
• Hon James Duddridge MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

0930-0940: Keynote Address
• HE Mamady Youla, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea

0940-1100: Session 1 – Economic Outlook & Financial Sector Development
Chair: Roger Martin, Director, DMA
• Hon Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, Minister of State for the Presidency
• Guy Laurent Fondjo, CEO, Afriland First Bank Guinea
• Stéphane Brabant, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills
Q&A Session

1100-1130: Refreshments Break

1130-1245: Session 2 – Investing in Mining
Chair: The Rt Hon The Lord Hain, Former British Cabinet Minister and MP
• HE Mamady Youla, Prime Minsiter of the Republic of Guinea
• James Lumley, Chief Executive, Anglo African Minerals
• William Morrell, Chief Executive, Guinea Alumina Corporation
• Adonis Pouroulis, Chairman, Alufer Mining
• Elias Scafidas, Chief Commercial Officer, Simandou, Rio TInto
Q&A Session

1245-1345: Networking Lunch

1345-1500: Session 3 –  Investing in Infrastructure & Energy 
Chair: Hon Sir Henry Bellingham MP, Former UK Minister for Africa
• Hon Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, Minister of State for the Presidency
• Bouna Sylla, Chief Advisor, Ministry of Mines
• Craig Sillars, Specialist; Mining & Infrastructure, UK Trade & Investment
• Karim Karjian & Glen Ireland, Infra-Share Partners
• Hassan Hassan, Managing Director, Simba Energy
Q&A Session

1500-1530: Refreshments Break

1530-1700: Session 4 – Agribusiness and Other Key Sectors
Chair: HMA Catherine Inglehearn, British Ambassador to Guinea
• Hon Mamy Moustapha Diaby, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy
• Gabriel Curtis, Chief Executive, Guinea Investment Promotion Agency (APIP)
• Salimatou Diallo, Managing Director, SD Avocats
Q&A Session

1700-1730: Closing Remarks
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• HE Paul Zoumanigui, Guinean Ambassador to the UK
• HE Mamady Youla, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea

1730-1900: Gala Drinks Reception