UK-Mali Trade & Investment Forum

On 20th April 2016, DMA was pleased to host the inaugural UK-Mali Trade & Investment Forum - the country's most significant investment outreach on the international stage. Organised by DMA in partnership with API and supported by FCO, UKTI; the visit was led by Hon Konimba Sidibe, Minister of Investment Promotion and Private Sector, and outlined both the opportunities that exist to foreign investors, as well as the government’s broader economic development.

Despite continued vulnerability to external shocks, Mali’s economy has recovered well from the political crisis of 2012 and, with GDP growth of 7.2% in 2014, the country now appears firmly set on a positive growth path.

The Government is committed to a clear programme for attracting and protecting foreign investment and presented its investment agenda to investors at the Forum in London, in key sectors including Energy, Infrastructure, Extractives and Agriculture.

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.



0800-0900: Registration & Refreshments

0900-0915: Welcome
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
HMA Joanne Adamson OBE, British Ambassador to Mali
• HE Sekou Dit Gaoussou Cisse, Malian Ambassador to Belgium and the EU

0915-0930: Keynote Addresses
• Hon Konimba Sidibe, Minister of Investment Promotion and Private Sector

0930-1100: Session 1 – Economic Outlook & Financial Sector Development
Chair: Sir Henry Bellingham MP, Former Minister for Africa
• Moussa I Toure, Director General, API
• Philip Rogers, Partner, Brown Rudnick
• Amadou Sidibe, Managing Director, Banque de Developpement du Mali (BDM SA)
• Hon Konimba Sidibe, Minister of Investment Promotion and Private Sector
Q&A Session

1100-1130: Refreshments Break

1130-1300: Session 2 – Investing in Mining
Chair: Rt Hon The Lord Hain, Former UK Cabinet Minister & MP
• Hon Cheickna Seydi Ahmadi Diawara, Minister of Mines
• Abdoulaye Pona, Chairman, Chambre des Mines
• Howard Miller, Chief Executive & Chairman, Avnel Gold Mining
• Walter Shamu, Chief Operating Officer, Taurus Gold Limited
Q&A Session

1300-1310: Keynote Address
• Justin Bedford, Head of Sahel and West Africa, FCO

1310-1410: Networking Lunch

1410-1515: Session 3 –  Investing in Key Sectors
Chair: Roger Martin, Director, DMA
• Helene N’Garnim-Ganga, Resident Representative, AfDB
• Khalifa Sissoko, Chief Executive, ACI
• Adama Tiemoko Diarra, Chief Executive, Somapep
• Ibrahim Toure, Charge de Mission, Ministry of Investment Promotion & Private Sector
Q&A Session

1515-1530: Closing Remarks
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• HMA Joanne Adamson OBE, British Ambassador to Mali
• Hon Konimba Sidibe, Minister of Investment Promotion and Private Sector

1530-1700: Gala Drinks Reception