UK-Nigeria Trade & Investment Forum 2018

On 24th April, in partnership with the Nigeria Investment Promotion Committee (NIPC), DMA welcomed a delegation of senior representatives from the Government of Nigeria for the UK-Nigeria Trade & Investment Forum 2018. Hon Okechukwu Enelamah, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, opened the forum with his keynote address on the partnership opportunities between the UK and Nigeria.

The day begun in earnest with a Spotlight on deepening the capital market relationships between the two countries with views from the London Stock Exchange, the Rt Hon Charles Bowman, Lord Mayor of the City of London, Prudential and KPMG.

A spotlight on trade policy, featuring Ambassador Chiedu Osakwe, Nigeria’s chief trade negotiator and Paul Walters, Deputy Director of the Trade Policy Unit within the UK Department for International Development, gave insight into how this in particular is expected to develop over the short and medium term, to the benefit of the bilateral business environment.

Finally, a spotlight on investment into Nigeria, headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, gave a clear readout investment into the huge number of opportunities that Nigeria has to offer.

Plenary sessions on the economy, on energy, the extractives and infrastructure, filled out the picture for attendees, demonstrating the business already being done between the two countries and the potential for what could be done in the future.

DMA would like to thank our sponsors, without whom the event could not have been a success:

The Access Bank, Prudential, KPMG, Shell, Royal Air Maroc, Regal and Gold and Oxford Business Group




0830-0940: Registration & Refreshments

0940-1000: Welcome

·         Sir Henry Bellingham MP, Former UK Minister for Africa

·         HE George Adesola Oguntade, Nigerian High Commissioner to the UK

·         HE Paul Arkwright, British High Commissioner to Nigeria

1000-1015: Keynote Address

·         Hon Okechukwu Enelamah, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment

1015-1100: Spotlight on Deepening the Capital Markets Relationship

Chair: Suneel Bakhshi, Chairman, International Advisory Groups, London Stock Exchange

·         Rt Hon Charles Bowman, Lord Mayor, the City of London

·         Kunle Elebute, Senior Partner, KPMG Nigeria & Chairman, KPMG Africa

·         Julian Adams, Group Regulatory & Government Relations Director, Prudential

1100-1200: Session 1 – Economic Overview & Political Climate

Chair: The Lord Sheikh

·         Hon Udoma Udo Udoma, Minister of Budget and National Planning

·         Hon Okechukwu Enelamah, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment

·         Akinola Olawore, President, Nigeria British Chamber of Commerce

·         Razia Khan, Managing Director, Chief Economist, Africa and Middle East.

·         Standard Chartered Bank

Q&A Session

1200-1230: Refreshments Break

1230-1300: Spotlight on Trade Policy

·         Amb Chiedu Osakwe, Director General, Nigerian Office for Trade Negotiations (Nigeria’s Chief Trade Negotiator)

·         Paul Walters, Deputy Director; Trade Policy Unit, Department for International Development (DfID) 

Spotlight Q&A Session

1300-1340: Spotlight on Investment

·         Yewande Sadiku CEO, Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission 

·         Seun Omobo, Special Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

·         Rt Hon Emmanuel Jime, CEO, Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority

1340-1500: Networking lunch

1500-1600: Session 2 –  Investing in the Extractives

Chair: Bisa Williams, Managing Director, Williams Strategy Advisors (WSA)

·         Hon John Kayode Fayemi, Minister of Mines and Steel Development

·         Eng. Rabiu Suleiman, Senior Technical Advisor, Ministry of Petroleum Resources

·         Dr Maikanti Baru, Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

·         Engr. Sanusi Garba, Vice Chairman, National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)

·         Tonye Cole, Co-founder and ED, Sahara Group

Q&A Session

1600-1620: Closing Remarks

·         Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA

·         Hon Okechukwu Enelamah, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment

1620-1800: Gala Drinks Reception