UK-Papua New Guinea Trade & Investment Forum

On 16th June, for the first time the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) came to London to engage with the international business and investor community based in the UK. Hosted by DMA at Plaisterers Hall in the City of London, a strong PNG delegation led by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill outlined the economic progress which PNG has made in recent years, making it one of the strongest performing economies in the world (watch the PM's speech here(link is external)). Known mainly for the significant gas and mining resources, the Forum gave to opportunity to show that PNG business opportunities covered several other sectors as well, including agriculture, infrastructure, tourism, health and education.

The Prime Minister and the delegation also took time to outline their plans for the short and medium terms, and the areas in which they are now seeking financial and commercial partnerships. Their message that PNG was very much open for business was reinforced by representatives of the private sector who flew in to London to lend their weight to the contention that, while PNG is a tough market, it is also one in which there are significant commercial benefits to be had both now and into the foreseeable future.

That message resonated in London. PNG’s interest in engaging with the investment community in the UK was mirrored by the interest shown in PNG by the business community, with over 300 registered delegates and networking which carried on throughout the day and into an evening reception. A positive beginning to what the Government and the London community hope will be now a more regular dialogue.

DMA would like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.


08.00 - 09.00: Registration

09.00 - 09.10: Opening Address
• Rt Hon Hugo Swire MP, UK Minister for Asia Pacific

09.10 – 09.30: Keynote Speech
• Hon Peter O'Neill CMG, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

09.30 - 11.00: Session 1 - Economic Overview & Financial Sector Development
Chair: HE Simon Tonge, UK High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea
• Dairi Vele, Secretary of Treasury
• Loi Bakani, Governor of the Reserve Bank of PNG
• Mark Baker, Managing Director Papua New Guinea, ANZ Bank
• Peter Botten, Managing Director, Oil Search
• Denis O’Brien, Chairman, Digicel Group
Q&A Session

11.00 - 11.30: Refreshments Break
– Sponsored by Newcrest

11.30 – 13.00: Session 2 - Investing in Energy
Chair: Henry Bellingham MP, Non-Executive Director, Developing Markets Associates
• Hon Nixon Duban, Minister of Petroleum and Energy
• Andrew Barry, Managing Director, ExxonMobil PNG
• Wapu Sonk, Managing Director, National Petroleum Company of Papua New Guinea (NPCP)
• Huw Evans, Chief Executive, Twinza Oil
• Richard Schroder, Chief Executive, Kina Petroleum
Q&A Session

13.00 - 14.00: Networking Lunch 
– Sponsored by Clarke Energy  

14.00 - 15.15: Session 3 - Investing in Mining
Chair: Rt Hon Peter Hain, Former British Cabinet Minister and MP
• Hon Byron Chan, Minister of Mining
• Paul Mulder, Managing Director, Mayur Resources
• Philip Samar, Managing Director, Mineral Resources Authority of Papua New Guinea
• Mel Togolo, PNG Country Manager, Nautilus Minerals
• Augustine Mano, Managing Director, Mineral Resources Development Company
Q&A Session

15.15 - 15.45: Refreshment Break 
– Sponsored by Newcrest

15.45 - 17.00: Session 4 - Investing in Key Sectors
Chair: Roger Martin, Director, Developing Markets Associates
• Hon Tommy Tomscoll, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock
• Hon Richard Maru, Minister of Trade and Commerce 
• Adam Andreski, Managing Director, Cardno IT Transport
• Robin Fleming, Chief Executive, Bank of South Pacific
• Geoff Cundle, Chairman, Steamships
Q&A Session

17.00 - 17.30: Closing Remarks
• HE Winnie A Kiap, Papua New Guinea High Commissioner to the UK
• HE Simon Tonge, UK High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea
• Hon Peter O'Neill CMG, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

17.30 – 19.00: Networking Drinks Reception 
- Sponsored by ANZ
