UK-Papua New Guinea Trade & Investment Forum 2018

On 24th April, DMA welcomed the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Hon Peter O’Neill, to the Gibson Hall in the City of London for the second UK-Papua New Guinea Trade & Investment Forum.

With opening remarks by Hon Rimbink Pato, Papua New Guinea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs alongside the Rt Hon Mark Fields, Minister of State for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth office, both talked about the existing relationship between the UK and Papua New Guinea, something that had been cemented just the week before at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

The Prime Minister then delivered his keynote address which touched upon all the impressive developments that his country has made in recent years, especially in the areas of access to healthcare and education.

This was followed by a broad-ranging session on the political and economic situation of Papua New Guinea delivered by the Governor of the Central Bank and representatives from two of the biggest success stories; ANZ Bank, delivered by CEO Mark Baker, and Digicel, delivered by Chairman Denis O’Brien.

The day then included spotlights on agriculture and tourism as well as plenary session on several key sectors; Petroleum, Energy, Mining and Infrastructure.

It was also our honour to have His Royal Highness, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, deliver the closing remarks of the forum where he expressed a sincere hope that the UK and Papua New Guinea would continue to build on the strong business ties that connect the two countries.

As always, we would like to thank the supporter of the forum, without whom the event could not have taken place. Both ANZ Bank and Digicel as platinum sponsors as well as Innovative Agro Industry, Mayur Resources, Oil Search, Kumul Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Total, OK Tedi Mining, Papua Mining, Bank of South Pacific (BSP), Trans Niugini Tours, New Britain Palm Oil and Oxford Business Group



0900-1000: Registration & Refreshments


1000-1015: Opening Remarks

·         Introduction: Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA

·         Hon Rimbink Pato, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

·        Rt Hon Mark Field, Minister of State, UK FCO


1015-1030: Keynote Address

·         Introduction: HE Winnie A Kiap, Papua New Guinean High Commissioner to the UK

·        HE Peter O'Neill CMG, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea


1030-1145: Session 1 – Economic & Political Overview

Chair: Sir Henry Bellingham MP

·        Loi Bakani, Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea

·        Mark Baker, CEO, ANZ Papua New Guinea

·        Denis O'Brien, Chairman, Digicel

Q&A Session


1145-1230: Spotlight on Agriculture & Tourism

·        Ilan Weiss, Executive Director, Innovative Agro Industry

·        Robert Nilkare, Country Manager, New Britain Palm Oil

·        Bob Bates, Managing Director, Trans Niugini Tours


1230-1400: Networking Lunch

Sponsored by Papua Mining


1400-1530: Session 2 –  Investing in Petroleum & Energy

Chair: Lord Sheikh

·         Wapu Sonk, Managing Director, Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd

·         Andrew Barry, Managing Director, ExxonMobil PNG

·         Philippe Blanchard, Managing Director, Total E&P PNG

·         Wayne Kasou, Senior Government Relations Advisor, Oil Search

·         Paul Mulder, Managing Director, Mayur Resources

Q&A Session

1530-1615: Refreshments Break

1615-1730: Session 3 – Investing in Mining & Infrastructure

Chair: Clarence Hoot, Director, Investment Promotion Agency, Papua New Guinea

·         Robin Fleming, CEO, Bank of South Pacific

·         Peter Graham, Managing Director and CEO, OK Tedi Mining

·         Tim Crossley, Executive Director, Mayur Resources

·         David Price, Managing Director and CEO, Papua Mining

Q&A Session


1730-1800: Refreshments Break


1800-1810: Closing Remarks

·         HE Winnie A Kiap, Papua New Guinea High Commissioner to the UK

·         HRH The Duke of York KG


1810-1900: Gala Drinks Reception

Sponsored by ANZ