UK-Tunisia Trade & Investment Forum

On 20th October, the Government of Tunisia came to London, for the inaugural UK-Tunisia Trade & Investment Forum: the Tunisian government’s most significant overseas investment outreach in recent years. Organised by DMA together with the Tunisian Embassy and FIPA, and led by Hon Yassine Brahim, Minister of Development, Investment and International Cooperation, the visit provided a unique opportunity for business leaders and investors to engage with the Tunisian government and to learn more about the investment potential of North Africa's most developed economy. Furthermore, in the aftermath of the terrorist attack at Sousse, the need for Tunisia to attract foreign investment has never been stronger and the Forum reflected  the shared commitment of the British and Tunisan governemnts to developing a broad-based partnership for economic co-operation.

DMA would like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.


0800-0900: Registration & Refreshments

0900-0920: Welcome
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• HMA Hamish Cowell, UK Ambassador to Tunisia
• HE Nabil Ammar, Tunisian Ambassador to the UK

0920-09.40: Keynote Addresses
• Hon Yassine Brahim, Minister of Development, Investment and International Cooperation
• Rt Hon Baroness Symons, Former Minister of State for the Middle East

0940-1045: Session 1 - Economic Overview & Financial Sector Development
Chair: Marie-Alexandra Veilleux-Laborie, Country Head, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD)
• Ahmed Torchi, Director General, Central Bank of Tunisia
• Khaled Zribi, President, Tunis Stock Exchange
• Dame Fiona Woolf, Lord Mayor of the City of London 2013-14
• Hassine Doghri, President, Tunisian British Chamber of Commerce
Q&A Session  

Refreshments Break

1130-1300: Session 2  -  Investing in Modern Infrastructure
Chair: Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, Former UK Cabinet Minister
• Hon Yassine Brahim, Minister of Development, Investment and International Cooperation
• Raouf Mhenni, Chief Executive, SMART Tunisia
• Chris Tooley, Chief Executive, LycaMobile
Q&A Session

1300-1400: Networking Lunch

1400-1515: Session 3 -  Investing in Energy & Extractives
Chair: Roger Martin, Director, DMA
• Ridha Bouzouada, Director General of Energy, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining
• Mohamed Akrout, President and CEO, Enterprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP)
• Tom Fletcher, Vice President, Anadarko Tunisia Beks Company
• Ali Hjaiej, Development Director, Clarke Energy
• Kevin Sara, Founder & Managing Partner, Nur Energie
Q&A Session

Refreshments Break

1545-1700: Session 4 -  Investing in Other Key Sectors
Chair: Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• Khalil Laabibi, Director General, Foreign Investment Promotion Agency
• Hichem Turki, General Manager, The Competitiveness Pole of Sousse
• Aziza Htira, Chief Executive, Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX)
• Eya Essif, Chairwoman & CEO, Eco-Bois
Q&A Session         

1700-1730: Closing Remarks
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• Tobias Ellwood MP, UK Minister for the Middle East and North Africa
• Hon Yassine Brahim, Minister of Development, Investment and International Cooperation​

1730-1900: Gala Drinks Reception