UK-Zambia Trade & Investment Forum

On 4th November, the Government of Zambia came to London, for the UK-Zambia Trade & Investment Forum: the Zambian government’s most significant overseas investment outreach in recent years. Organised by DMA, the Zambian Embassy and ZDA, and led by Her Honour Madam Inonge Wina, Vice President of the Republic of Zambia & Minister of National Planning, provided a unique opportunity for investors and business leaders to gain in-depth knowledge of Zambia, one of Africa’s fastest growing and most stable economies. 

With a real GDP growth averaging roughly 6.7% per annum, a rich resource endowment and business-friendly environment, Zambia continues to attract international investors and to entice firms looking to build their African presence through the country’s excellent access to markets across Southern Africa. Through the Forum, the Government of Zambia set out its ambitious programme for developing the economy beyond its strong extractives base and for exploiting opportunities in new growth sectors such as agriculture, hydro-power and tourism.

DMA was honoured to host the Government of Zambia for a hugely successful investment event in London in 2009 and was pleased work with the Government of Zambia once again on its return to London for the 2015 forum.

DMA would also like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.


08.00-09.00: Registration & Refreshments 

09.00-09.15: Welcome Addresses 
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• HE Muyeba S Chikonde, Zambian High Commissioner to the UK
• Andrew Ockenden, Senior Economic Adviser, DfID

09.15-09.40: Keynote Address
• James Duddridge MP, UK Minister for Africa 
• Her Honour Madam Inonge Wina, Vice President of the Republic of Zambia & Minister of National Planning

09.40-11.00: Session 1 – Economic Outlook 
Chair: Andrew Ockenden, Senior Economic Adviser, DfID
• Hon Margaret Mwanakatwe, Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry
• Dr Francis Chipimo, Director Economics, Bank of Zambia
• Damoni Kitabire, Resident Representative, AfDB
• Jason Kazilimani, Chief Executive & Senior Partner, KPMG Zambia
• Victor Lopes, Senior Economist, Sub-Saharan Africa, Standard Chartered Bank
Q&A Session 

11.00-11.30: Refreshments Break 

11.30-13.00: Session 2 – Investing in Key Sectors 
Chair: Rt Hon Lord Hain, Former British Cabinet Minister and MP
• Stephen Mwansa, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism & Arts
• Patrick D Chisanga, Director General, Zambia Development Agency
• Chance Kabaghe, Executive Director, Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute
• Alex Simuyandi, Chief Operations Officer, AgDevCo
Q&A Session

13.00-14.00: Networking Lunch 

14.00-15.30: Session 3 – Investing in Energy
Chair: Alistair Harrison, Former British High Commissioner to Zambia
• Hon Dora Siliya, Minister of Energy & Water Development 
• Chiti Mataka, Senior Manager, ZESCO
• Richard Bennett, Chief Executive, Sunbird Bioenergy
• Eric Griffith, Asset Manager/Director General, Tower Resources
Q&A Session  

15.30-16.00: Refreshments Break 

16.00-17.15: Session 4 – Investing in Extractives
Chair: Roger Martin, Director, DMA
• Bernadette Mwakacheya, Chief Mining Economist, Ministry of Mines & Mineral Development
• Dr Pius Kasolo, Chief Executive, ZCCM Investment Holdings
• Ian Harebottle, Chief Executive, Gemfields
• Simon Purkiss, Managing Director, Consolidated Nickel Mines
Q&A Session 

17.15-17.30: Closing Remarks 
• HE Muyeba S Chikonde, Zambian High Commissioner to the UK 
• Hon Margaret Mwanakatwe, Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry

17.30-19.00: Gala Networking Reception