US-Liberia Trade & Investment Forum

On 16th September, the Government of Liberia came to New York, for the US-Liberia Trade & Investment Forum: the country’s first significant outreach to investors post Ebola. The fourth in a series of Liberian events organised by DMA and led by HE Joseph N. Boakai, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, the visit provided a unique opportunity for stateside investors and business leaders to gain in-depth knowledge of one of the world’s most rapidly growing markets.

DMA would like to thank all those who supported the Forum and helped make it such a success.


0800-0900: Registration & Refreshments

0900-0915: Welcome Addresses and Opening Comments
• Hon Jeremiah Sulunteh, Liberian Ambassador to the US
• Atam Sandhu, Chief Executive, DMA
• Hon George Gyude Wisner II, Executive Director, National Investment Commission (NIC)

0915-0930: Keynote Address
• Bisa Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, US State Department
• HE Joseph N. Boakai, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia

0930-0945: The Business Response to Ebola
• Dr David Nabarro, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Ebola
• Denise Rollins, Senior Coordinator, Africa Ebola Unit, USAID
• Riva Levinson, Ebola Private Sector Mobilization Group

0945-1115: Session 1 – The New Liberia: Economic Outlook & Opportunities
Chair: Stephen Cashin, Founder & CEO, Pan African Capital Group
 Hon George Gyude Wisner II, Executive Director, National Investment Commission (NIC)
• Frank Ajilore, Liberia Country Manager, IFC
• Henry Saamoi, Chief Executive, International Bank Liberia
• Jefferson Kambo, Director - Research, Policy & Planning, Central Bank of Liberia

1115-1145: Refreshments Break

1145-1300: Session 2 – Investing in Agriculture & Agribusiness
Chair: Samuel Okpattah, Director of Asset Management, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
• Hon George Gyude Wisner II, Executive Director, National Investment Commission (NIC)
• Ed Garcia, President, Firestone Natural Rubber Company
• Anna Rogers, Programme Director, Grow Liberia

1300-1400: Networking Lunch

1400-1515: Session 3 – Investing in Infrastructure
Chair: Tom Delaney, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Africa, USAID
• Hon Roland Giddings, Deputy Minister of Public Works
• Hon Frederick Norkeh, Minister of Post & Telecommunications
• Hon David Williams, Acting Managing Director, National Port Authority
• George Adjei, Managing Director Liberia, APM Terminals
• James Brenner, Founder & CEO, Broad Cove Ecohomes Liberia

1515-1545: Refreshments Break

1545-1700: Session 4 – Investing in Extractives & Energy
Chair: Bisa Williams,  Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, US State Department
• Hon Samuel Russ, Deputy Minister of Land, Mines & Energy
• Cllr Althea Sherman, Interim President, National Oil Company of Liberia
• Steve Parent, Chief Negotiator, Sunergy Inc
• Reg Manhas, Senior Vice President, External Affairs, Kosmos Energy

1700-1720: Closing Remarks
• Hon Frederick Norkeh, Minister of Post & Telecommunications
• Hon Jeremiah Sulunteh, Liberian Ambassador to the US

1720-1830: Gala Reception - Sponsored by ExxonMobil